After Nepal was struck by the terrible earthquake in April 2015, some friends and I gathered together at my house for an afternoon tea. We all provided a plate to share and made donations for Friends of Nepal. Little did we realise at the time that this would lead to a variety of fundraising ideas over the next 12 months.
…but with very little effort we all can help make our world a better place
One friend, who hand croches beautiful lap rugs and baby blankets, offered to donate a collection of these to sell at the FON Spring Festival. Another friend chatted to people about the earthquake devastation during her exercise classes and some of these exercise buddies were quite touched and handed her donations for FON.
A few months later another friend experienced the sudden loss of her beloved son, so some of us thought it would be nice to make a donation in his memory.Then the crocheting friend made more blankets to raffle and sell at a Chinese New Year celebration, where people also handed her extra donations for FON. A few months later it was time for another friend’s birthday lunch and it was requested that donations be made for FON instead of buying any gifts or cards.
Most of these individual donations were not large but when adding up the total, surprisingly, we collectively raised over $1,000.
Its Easy
There are many really easy ways you too could make a difference in Nepal by helping FON with their worthy projects. Here are just a few simple ideas to get you started:
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves how lucky we are to be living here in Australia. Most people in the world are not nearly as fortunate as we are, but with very little effort we all can help make our world a better place. Remember, every little bit helps!
-A FON supporter