Lunch with Dr Alex Zahnd

Fundraising lunch with Dr Alex Zahnd


We would like to thank all our supporters and volunteers for coming along to share lunch with Dr Alex Zahnd. I think we can all agree that we witnessed one of the great inspirational talks by a person who has seen it all. For those who wasn’t there yesterday and don’t know Alex yet – He has dedicated more than 30 years of his life for the betterment of the community in remote villages of Nepal in Humla and Jumla region. Alex is one of the founders of RIDS-Nepal and RIDS-Switzerland that was established solely to implement Holistic Community Development (HCD) projects in Nepal. He stresses on implementing contextual solutions and not one-size-fits-all. Alex is an engineer who works with local communities, schools and universities to find solutions to the local problems that is sustainable and maintainable by the community for a long term. Using local materials and labour to empower local economy has been one of his strategies for successful sustainable development.

We have been contributing towards RIDS-Nepal’s “Family of Four” and “Family of Four Plus” programmes in Humla and Jumla region. This works on providing basic-necessities such as toilets, electricity, clean drinking water, and smokeless stoves. Family of Four plus also provides for high altitude greenhouses, education and training, and overall capacity building of the villages. This has led to healthier lifestyle of the local community, esp. children who were suffering from indoor air pollution and malnutrition. We have been working with RIDS-Nepal and Alex from 2013. We were totally in awe to see the transformations in the lives of the community because of the implementation of this project. We look forward to continue this relationship and try to make the difference in whatever we can with the support of you all behind us.

Our supporters here in Perth has been amazingly generous in getting behind this project with us. We really value your commitment and cannot thank you enough for your direct and indirect participation in our fundraising efforts. You all are the reason we are still going on.

The fundraising lunch event hosted at Himalayan Nepalese Restaurant & Café in Inglewood went well as planned. We all enjoyed Alex’s talk charged with love and dedication towards the community he was helping in Humla and Jumla. The passion was oozing out of his talk and we could all feel it. The participants responded with their pledge to help the project with any donation they could and to continue supporting us. We raised more fund for the project during the event. We presented RIDS-Nepal with contribution of $10,000 for Family of Four project that we had raised from the community. For this – we thank you all. You are all amazing human beings.

View more photos from the event on our Facebook page.

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