Local businesses – We need you!
If you are a business and would like to have a positive impact on the lives of people who live in one of the most inaccessible part of far-western Nepal – we want to hear from you.
We are launching a new initiative – “Helping hands” where we are looking for responsible project partnership with local businesses. It will focus on mutual benefit but the end results is that the most needed community in Nepal benefit through sustainable and holistic development programs.
We have been working in the far-western region of Nepal in implementing Family of Four PLUS program with the help of local NGO – RIDS-Nepal. They have been working in Syada village for quite some time and have identified the need to provide around 220 household with-
- Clean drinking water
- Hygienic pit latrines
- Clean drinking water
Providing these three basic facilities to a single home would cost around $900. This is a big project and we aim to at least provide services for about 20 houshold this year and increment it each year. This is where we need you! Local businesses who would like to provide funding for the project can contact us so that we arrange a partnership where we can help implement the program to benefit the community and also help the business at the same time.
You can reach us at:
info@friendsofnepal.org.au | message us via Facebook.
Donate at: http://bit.ly/donate-fonepal